Call for All Artists
Back to Nature


September 29th – January 9, 2024

Opening Reception

September 29th, 6-8pm

PAG Guild Gallery

2679 East Main Road, Portsmouth, RI

The Guild is proud to introduce the online entry feature for submission of your artwork.  This is a new endeavor, and please contact us at if you need assistance.  Please click the link above to review the submission guidelines.

 Establish Your Smarter Entry Account

Download and Print Your Submission Form to Attach to Your Painting

In Person Intake:

Tuesday,   September 26th, 3-5pm

Wednesday, September 27th, 6-8pm


PAG Guild Gallery (GG)

2679 East Main Road, Portsmouth RI

Back to Nature

Call for ALL Artists!  PAG is hosting a non juried show.   The theme is “Back to Nature” and is open to Guild Members and Non-Members.

For inspiration, “Tapestry”, by Leslie Elaine Greenwood.

If I could take a brush and paint the mountains and the moors,
I would splash the hillsides yellow and cover them in gorse.
I’d take the finest needle and the darkest thread of green
And sew a line of bracken along the landscape. In-between

I’d lay a purple carpet of wild heather in the dells
And fringe the edge of all the woods with their pretty lilac bells.
I’d merge the bracken with the heather, mix their colours like the sea,
A green and purple ocean on my own rich tapestry.

Then I’d take a ball of soft, white wool and stitch a mass of daisy chains
Around the lush green meadows and up the sides of winding lanes.
I would stencil on the marshes, just like pure white china cups,
Some fragile water lilies and by the ponds, sweet buttercups.

I’d mix orange, reds and yellows planting poppies wild and free
Onto nature’s coloured canvas, my own rich tapestry.

Dunes, Jan Burling, Portsmouth Arts Guild

Show Dates: September 29th – January 9, 2024

Opening Reception:  September 29th, 6 – 8pm, Portsmouth Arts Guild

Artwork displayed on this page:  Top section background- Watercolor by Elizabeth O’Connell, “Common Fence Point”;  Insert, “Marshes” watercolor by Penny Carrier.  “Dunes” photograph by Jan Burling

Please review all of the following PAG exhibit entry guidelines through Smarter Entry as well as the pick-up policy (in the links below) before submitting your entry.

PAG Exhibit Smarter Entry Guidelines

PAG Pick-Up Policy

Registration/Entry Fees are paid through Smarter Entry through the link above.